we are kosmo.<br>kosmo is a contemporary lifestyle brand dedicated to wellness.<br>kosmo is born out of the groundswell global interest in taking good care of our bodies and souls.<br>today,kosmo is a specialist health food company and growing chain of wellness cafes originating in new york and expanding across greater china with global ambitions.<br>the name stands for kosmopolitan (spelt with a'k' from its greek derivative).the wellness world of kosmo transcends national boundaries,ethnic groups and cultural barriers.<br>kosmo combines wellness with food.despite the boom in fitness centers and health food,nobody has taken the wellness philosophy and applied it to healthy eating and drinking cafes.that's what kosmo is all about.<br>wellness is simply doing the things that keep one well.<br>the kosmo spirit can be distilled into four little words-do good.feel good™:in kosmo,wellness comes from happy and balanced lifestyle,not the excessive purchase for some single means.<br>the wellness kosmo focuses on is not only the harmony between individual's body and mind,but also the harmony among people,nature and society.kosmo uses a big number of recyclable and reusable environmental material to promote organic products.in the spirit of giving back to the communities that nurture us, kosmo has launched a joint charity programme with unicef.under this programme,one dollar is donated to unicef for every serving of healing juice or smoothie sold at our kosmo wellness cafes.<br>eat good.sleep good. laugh good.work good. rest good. think good. make good.wellness is not a new idea. but it's an idea whose time has come.the world is waking up to wellness.and kosmo is ready to serve it.<br><br>我们是kosmo。<br>kosmo是现代健康生活方式品牌。<br>kosmo 诞生于关心自身身体和精神状态的全球性风潮之中。<br>今天,kosmo已经是一个不断成长的健康行业先锋,起源于纽约,在亚太区发展并最终走向全世界。<br>kosmo的名字象征着kosmopolitan(大都会、世界主义,拼写中的“k”来源于希腊语),kosmo的健康世界超越了国家界限,种族隔阂和文化差异的限制。 <br>kosmo将食物、饮品与健康整合起来。尽管健身中心和健康食品发展很快,但尚未有人将健康的理念运用到健康的休闲餐饮连锁中去,kosmo定位于健康生活方式的引领者和传播者。<br>健康就是只做让人保持良好状态的事。<br>kosmo的精神可以概括为四个单词do good feel good:在kosmo的健康世界里,健康来自于快乐而平衡的生活方式,而不是对单一手段的过度追求。<br>kosmo对健康的关注不仅在于个人的身心和谐,也包含了和大自然和社会的和谐相处。kosmo使用大量可回收、再利用的环保材料并推广有机产品。秉承回报社会的理念,kosmo和联合国儿童基金会(unicef)一起建立了一个联合慈善项目“儿童健康基金”,我们在kosmo店中每卖掉一杯健康果汁或冰昔都会向unicef捐出一元钱,帮助改善中国贫困地区儿童的健康状况。<br>吃得好,睡得好,笑得好,干得好,休息得好,想得好。健康不是新概念,但这是一个适逢其时的概念,世界正在开始重视健康,而kosmo已准备好去满足它。 <br>欲了解更多kosmo信息,欢迎登陆本公司网址。